News and Resources

Senate Passes Cornyn Bill to Enhance Cybersecurity Programs at UTSA, A&M

Nov 22, 2019


Bipartisan Congressional bill proposed to recognize NCPC

Mar 17, 2017


UTSA to lead new $3 million cybersecurity grant

Sep 27, 2016


University of Memphis gets chunk of $3 million cybersecurity grant

Oct 6, 2015


The Criminal Justice Institute is the lead agency on $3 million grant

Oct 2, 2015


U.S. House amendment boosts profile of UTSA's cybersecurity program

Apr 23, 2015


UTSA cybersecurity programs ranked No. 1 in nation by security pros

Feb 21, 2014


Great Cybersecurity News Sources

CNET has an entire section of their site devoted to security.

Dark Reading
Dark Reading is a cybersecurity community comprised of contributing influential IT professionals.

Homeland Security News Wire
Homeland Security News Wire, a leader in the industry’s online daily publications, manages its own cybersecurity blog.

Infosec News
Infosec is a small but long-running and respected cybersecurity blog.

Infosecurity Magazine
Infosecurity Magazine is one of the larger cybersecurity publications out there with a vast amount of information on their website.

Inside Cybersecurity
Inside Cybersecurity is a site dedicated to keeping professionals up to date with federal policies affecting digital security.

Krebs on Security
Krebs on Security is authored by Brian Krebs, a former Washington Post reporter. This long-running blog offers a lot of archives to dig through, while also providing a fresh look at current cybersecurity threats.

SC Magazine
SC Magazine hosts a data breach blog that is a must-see for cybersecurity pros.

Stay Safe Online
Stay Safe Online is a security blog run by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)

Wombat Security Blog
Wombat Security Blog focuses heavily on phishing and other cyber threats. They provide a weekly summary of the latest phishing attacks online.